Children Are Innocent: Oichi's daughter is shown playing at times, blissfully unaware The Azai and Oda clans are at war due to Nagamasa's betrayal.At Honnoji Mitsuhide is the one who fires at him Chekhov's Skill: Mitsuhide is shown hitting the bullseye with a rifle early on and Nobunaga claiming that firearms are the way of the future.Guest General: If you have the first Samurai Warriors and/or its Xtreme Legends save, you can unlock Maeda Keiji and Inahime, using the same model from SW1.The Cameo: Tokichiro Kinoshita ( Toyotomi Hideyoshi) is first seen selling figurines of Sanada Yukimura and Da Qiao.Matsunaga may also count, as you can proceed the story without having to fight him at all. Bonus Boss: Takeda Shingen at Chapter 6 and Uesugi Kenshin at Chapter 8.Boisterous Bruiser: Maeda Toshiie and Shibata Katsuie.

It's one of the causes he initiated Honnoji.

Bodyguard Crush: Mitsuhide was a former bodyguard of Kichou and is very enarmored at her.Body Double: Matsunaga Hisahide used this tactic at the first Battle of Mt.The other along with Katsuie when he finds out she is being wedded to Nagamasa Big "NO!": Played for Laughs, Hideyoshi gets two early on, one when he learns that Nobunaga had considered marrying him to Oichi but changed his mind when he married Nene.Better to Die than Be Killed: Hisahide would rather blow himself up within his castle than letting the Oda forces capture him.Beard of Sorrow: Mitsuhide grows one during his captivity.Also Kanbei when he was captured by Murashige.Badass in Distress: Yamanaka Shikanosuke was captured by the Mouri Army at the Battle of Akashi and must be rescued if you want to recruit him.Awesome, but Impractical: The Ninjutsu skills, they look cool and do crapton of damage, yet they cost 3 to 4 skill slots, and 4 is the maximum amount of skill slots you can have.Arbitrary Headcount Limit: You must deploy exactly the required numbers of unit at the battlefield (the amount of required numbers of unit varies in each battles, usually 5 or 6), no more, no less.Every armor has its own stats that help you defeat your enemies even more easily. Averted in the sense that the "clothes" aren't actually useless, with many being awesome and completely practical.You usually get Armors or Helmets ("Clothes") by getting A or S rank in certain battles. And Your Reward Is Clothes: Played straight.Anachronism Stew: Miyamoto Musashi shows up as a general working for Mouri despite him historically born 2 years after Honnoji.Amazon Brigade: The Naginata and Kunoichi units.This ends up disastrous for him (but advantageous to you/Nobunaga). Katsuyori Takeda (Shingen's son) is this and he grows sick of being compared to his father.He's still a very dependable ally of Nobunaga regardless. Since Nobunaga never bit it, his chance never came. Always Second Best: Tokugawa Ieyasu laments as such.A number of them can be, such as Shingen, Kenshin, and Katsuyori's.Alas, Poor Villain: Just look at Mitsuhide and Yoshiaki's death scene.